And by full swing I mean obligated reluctance. Essentially, I started up again and remembered exactly why had lost my desire to play. Oh well, go fuck yourself self, play the game you said you'd play.
Hours played: 9:49
Played up to Chapter 5: Operation Nora
So I moved through the stupid crystal forest with stupid Lightning and Hope and fought some stupid monsters and listened to some seriously stupid dialogue. But, I don't want to sound down on the game at all.
Yeah, I booted up my last save and found myself on the forest floor, making my way through a series of gates, which of course open by killing the pen full of baddies. I remembered coming down here, but not sure exactly why, well, besides the fact it was the way forward. I figured I'd remember why, when I got to where-ever I was indeed going.
But once I reached the end of the jungle floor section, I discovered my destination was back up to the jungle walkway. Awesome, so glad I saw the basement.
Oh yeah: after starting up the game again, I fought one battle before a new cut-scene started. And this section had some doosies. My favourite was the one where Lightning teaches Hope that to be a warrior you have to push everything to the side and concentrate on the mission. "If you want to survive, forget about sympathy." Great life lesson, bitch.
(Meg tells me that Lightning takes this statement back later, that she either grows and learns that this isn't a good code to live your life by, or that she never meant it to begin with and was apparently just trying to get Hope to clam up. Either way, I'm not sure this sort of character development is what I'd call rich or engaging. Oh, you said something retarded and now you have grown and have realized it was retarded and regret it? Great.)
Also, Hope at some point gets pissed at Lightning when she tells him that his plan to fight and kill Snow is just a little ridiculous. Which it obviously is. I mean, seriously, does he think he, a little punksqueak, can fight the big power ball using Snow? This is even besides the point that Hope is a caster and Snow is a tank, all he has is a little knife. Guh. But anyways, mad at Lightning, Hope yells "who's side are you on!?" and Lighting replies, no joke, "The side of truth!". The side of truth!? If you didn't have to survive so I could keep playing, I would leave you both down on the forest floor with the rest of the crazy wookies. Is that KOTOR joke too obscure?
So once I got back up to the forest walkway I was pretty much resigned to finishing this section, decided that I'd go play some KOTOR 2 after, something I actually wanted to play and wasn't pissing me off. Terrible way to go through the game for my response blog but whatever, I promise to be more cheery and forgiving next time.
What? I said I promise.
And then I had to fight this: Oops. I mean this:
Whatever, they're both flower turtles.
Yeah, I killed him and was relieved that this boring section of the game was behind me. Then after the cut scene, I discovered there was STILL MORE FOREST WALKWAY to be walked. I saved and turned FFXIII off. Fuck you squirrtle or whatever your gay-ass name is.
P.S. I'm not homophobic. I have lots of asses that are gay.
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