Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Everything you Ever Wanted to Know About RPGs but Less

Kotaku has made a "Visual Guide to the Role-Playing Game". It's fairly large so you'll have to head over there to actually read it.

I guess this is supposed to be an RPG for dummies sort of deal. I don't claim to be an expert at all about these RPG things, but everything on here seems like its pretty commonly known. Except maybe the VIP section, which for myself, contains people I don't know but neither do I care two shakes about.

The infographic does have a wonderfully reductive description of the difference between JRPGs and Western RPGs (WRPGs?) that will piss a good bunch of people off I'm sure, whether the statement is accurate or not.

Seems like people dig it, but I'm just not too sure who this is actually for. Maybe bloggers.

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